Remaining focused on Christ is the pathway to peace.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Who Doesn't Love Gifts?

Image courtesy of tiverylucky at
Picture this: Christmas morning, kids opening presents and playing with their new gifts. Except for one. She's trying to play with her sister's gifts. Her perfectly wonderful gifts lie among the crumpled gift wrap, still under the tree, ignored. What would any of us tell this kid? "Leave your sister's stuff alone. Go play with your toys!" "Yours is over here. Look how great your gift is!"

This happens just about every Christmas somewhere. But it also happens just about every day in the hearts of many singles and, sadly, even married people. They want a gift that's just not theirs.

Singles often miss their own gift of singleness because they are so focused on getting out of Singleville. In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul says of singleness and marriage “But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.” (ESV) Singleness and marriage are different gifts from the same shelf. Neither is better or worse. Both are good. (If you read the whole chapter, you’ll see Paul say singleness is better. But he’s biased. :-)

Some married people ignore their gift because they are trying to relive their single years, or don't really want to give up the single lifestyle. Some feel that marriage was a mistake. Wherever their hearts are, they too need to focus on the gift that is currently theirs. It's the same goodness as singleness, just different.

Wait, though. Some gifts are complicated and kids can't figure them out. Or maybe they need to grow into a clothing size. Singleness and marriage are like that too. They need to be played with and examined to be understood and appreciated. Maybe, like Aunt Bertha's sweaters, we'll fit them better as we mature.

When it comes down to it gifts are not about what you get, but the relationship between the giver and the getter. In both marriage and singleness, the giver is the same -- God -- so cherish what is yours and quit wishing God gave you the other gift. He's the best gift-giver in the universe! I think He can be trusted to get it right for, well, just about everyone.

Share below how you're going to try fitting better into your gift.


  1. I would say I'm 95% very content to be single. Every once in a while I'll wonder what it might be like for me to be married and have kids and then I sort of wish that would happen but I really don't have those thoughts very often.
    I find that the more I thank and praise God for everything He's done and think and try to remember every blessing he has bestowed on me for that day, I find I'm very content because of that. I will try to thank and praise him even more than I'm doing now this week.

    1. Thanks for sharing. I'd say I'm about the same percentage as you. Most of the time I'm enjoying the gift that's mine right now (singleness) and I have other brief moments of wondering about and wishing I was married. He is good, no matter what!
