A new FREE resource is available through SmallGroups.com! The SmallGroups.com Digizine was pretty much my first encounter with a digizine. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like: digital + magazine = digizine! You click on the table of contents, and link to the article. You turn the page, and Erwin Lutzer starts preaching! Will the innovations of this digiworld -- yes, digital + world -- never cease?
I can see this becoming a resource I will return to for fresh ideas and encouragement . The digizine has everything from guiding small group leaders in a right frame mind to a new kind of brownie recipe that I might try soon. Even the ads in the 'zine were helpful! The Resource Review on small group for the kids is something I will follow-up on for our ministries at church very soon.
I hope as singles we are all seeking to be in smaller fellowships like a small group, life group, or home group ... or whatever you call your holy handful. As single adults, we don't have our own families like our married friends, but we should be in fellowship with people in the family of God. So find a small group to join and if you're not in one, start one! Use the great resource available through the Digizine to get started!
Great advice. I'm helping to lead a small group right now so will check out that resource. Thanks.